Diploma in Psychodynamic Parent-Infant Therapy: March 2025
Please note: it is essential that a psychoanalytically informed two-year infant observation programme is undertaken and completed prior to or during the course of the Diploma in Psychodynamic Parent-Infant Therapy.
We offer an 18-month post qualification training in parent-infant psychotherapy. It draws on psychoanalytic and psychodynamic theory, attachment, theories of inter-subjectivity and neuroscience and will support the trainee to develop their skills in engaging and working with parents and infants presented with a wide range of issues. The course will also develop reflective practice and the capacity for working with other professionals and thinking about the network around the family.
Who is the training suitable for?
The programme is suitable for professionals who have a recognised professional clinical registration in any of the following: psychotherapy, psychodynamic counselling, psychology or arts therapies (such as UKCP, BCP, ACP, BPS, or BACP). Applicants are expected to have a sound understanding of infant and adult mental health, attachment theory and a minimum of two year’s experience of baby observation within a psychoanalytic framework, or be prepared to undertake an observation alongside their training, at the discretion of the training committee. Applicants need to have previous experience of psychodynamic/psychoanalytic personal therapy.
Please see Course Entry Criteria here.
What are the requirements?
Trainees will need to have undertaken personal therapy prior to starting the course and be prepared to be in at least once a week psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapy for the duration of the training. They will also need to have completed individual psychoanalytic/psychodynamic training and an infant observation course for a minimum of two years. Trainees will undertake a placement for 3-4 terms and be in supervision for this work as well as receiving group supervision as part of the course. There is an expectation that applicants will already have some experience of working with parents and infants. This course is not recommended for parents of children under 2 years old.
This training has been accredited by APPCIOS (The Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings), which is a member organisation of the British Psychoanalytic Council.
Time commitment
The taught course will run on Fridays between March 2025 and September 2026 and be attended jointly with the Advanced Practitioner Trainees. Teaching days will be delivered via Zoom.. Trainees also need to allow additional time for the placement, reviews, individual supervision, admin, reading and independent learning. Teaching days will be delivered via Zoom. Occasionally, there might be the possibility to meet in person at our offices in Kidlington, Oxford, but only if this is logistically possible for the group. We would not wish travel to preclude anyone for applying for this training.
What does the training include?
Trainees will be expected to attend and actively participate in individual and group supervision, teaching seminars, short courses and OXPIP lectures. They will also be expected to read material from the reading list and additional papers as required for seminars.
Below is a draft list of modules that will be studied on the course:
Module 1 - Introduction to Parent-Infant Psychotherapy:
e.g. Attachment and Intersubjectivity; Assessing Parent-Infant Relationships; Ghosts in the Nursery; Psychoanalytical Concepts -
Module 2 - Practice of Parent-Infant Therapy:
e.g. Preparation for Clinical Placement; Parent-Infant Group Work; Working with the Triad; Race, Culture and Diversity; Reflection in Action and on Action; Watch, Wait and Wonder; Ending Therapy -
Module 3 - Transition to Parenthood:
e.g. Emotional Regulation in Pregnancy; Development of Sense of Self; Reflective Function including Mind Mindedness -
Module 4 - Psychoanalytic concepts and thinking:
e.g. Psychoanalytical Defences, Working with Ambivalence and Hostility; Transference and Countertransference; Projective Identification
Short Courses
The training includes attendance on the following OXPIP short courses: Attachment and Intersubjectivity, Assessing Parent-Infant Relationships, Parent-Infant Group Work: Module One, Watch, Wait and Wonder and Ghosts in the Nursery.
Online Lectures
The course fee includes free places for trainees at the OXPIP lectures. Attendance at these is optional but encouraged for professional development. Trainees will be sent a code to book their free places.
Clinical Work
Trainees are expected to undertake a minimum of 90 face-to-face clinical hours with parents and infants over a period of approximately 14 months.
In order to meet the criteria for the diploma, trainees are required to keep a reflective journal, present their clinical work in group supervision, and following successful completion of clinical work, to submit a case study to the required standard within three months.
Feedback from previous trainees
"The teaching on the Diploma training was excellent. Tutors had in-depth knowledge and were good at sharing it. The support I had when starting the work placement was very good: plenty of supervision time and the space to build my practice at a manageable pace. This was backed up by a great admin team, who are always there to answer questions and help with the practicalities" - Elizabeth Greenlaw, awarded Diploma 2024
"The Diploma at OXPIP has been such a rich and stimulating learning experience. We have explored the key theoretical underpinnings of parenting infant psychotherapy such as ghosts in the nursery while really learning how to apply the theory and work with parents and babies in the room - honing our observational skills to assess the parent infant relationship. The group supervisions provided a rich learning environment, challenging at times, but always with a genuinely supportive group of students and supervisors. I have also really enjoyed the external lectures and short courses, covering relevant topics from leaders in the field on issues ranging from perinatal OCD to Watch, Wait and Wonder. Finally, the logistical support from Oxpip has been very helpful, from starting placements to helping us get to grips with the databases and any administrative issues so a big thank you to all the administrative staff who have put up with my questions!" - Sophie Bartholomew, 2023-2024 Trainee
The cost of the course is £10,500, plus the application fee (£50) and interview fee (£75).
By accepting an offer of a place on the training, a non-refundable deposit of £5,250 is due within 30 days. Trainees are committed to completing payment for the whole course, which is due before the course begins.
Details of additional costs will be included in the handbook.
Detailed information about the training will be made available in our handbook following successful application.
Further details
Applicants should note that they are required to undertake their own therapy during the training and this will need to be self-funded. Additional psychodynamic/psychoanalytic supervision to the group supervision provided on the course will be required, either provided within the work setting or paid for privately by the trainee.
To apply, please download and complete the form below and email to lizi.potter@oxpip.org.uk.
Deadline: 30th September 2024 at 5pm - NOTE EXTENDED DEADLINE!
Interviews: October 2024, Course Begins: March 2025
OXPIP is committed to equal opportunities
OXPIP Diploma in Psychodynamic Parent-Infant Therapy Application Form